9:39 PM
obyte inc.
these the sign for CYBER CRIME ACTIONS.....
--; we shall explain you how to avoid from CYBER CRIME ACTIONS....
-1.the first is you must to pay more attention into your email..
always check in the adress ''TO'' -if there are many recipients
or it,s not written of any recipients..it's may the cyber crime actions..
--2.and if you find the wrong words in the text, the mean to avoid from spam filter, beware of it..
--3.check out the link that attach into your inbox..,the formal corporation,never ask about your own password and sure name,
--4.beware of the general greetings in your email inbox
--5. always keep your personal data and don't give easily to any websites
--6.use and install the best antivirus or anti-malwrare into your PC
--6.beware to clicks any links in the email..
ini tanda untuk TINDAKAN KEJAHATAN CYBER .....
-, Kami akan menjelaskan cara untuk menghindari dari TINDAKAN KEJAHATAN CYBER ....
-1.The pertama adalah Anda harus membayar lebih banyak perhatian ke email Anda ..
selalu periksa di alamat yang'' ke''-jika ada beberapa penerima
atau, bukan ditulis dari setiap penerima .. itu mungkin tindakan kejahatan cyber ..
- 2.and jika Anda menemukan kata-kata yang salah dalam teks, berarti untuk menghindari dari spam filter, berhati-hatilah dari itu ..
- 3.check keluar link yang menempel ke kotak masuk .., perusahaan formal, tidak pernah bertanya tentang password Anda sendiri dan nama yakin,
- 4.beware dari salam umum di kotak masuk email Anda
- 5. selalu menjaga data pribadi Anda dan tidak memberikan dengan mudah ke situs web
- 6.use dan menginstal antivirus terbaik atau anti-malwrare ke PC Anda
- 6.beware untuk klik link apapun dalam email ..
1:14 AM
obyte inc.
How to change your heatsink fan for Processor or repair heatsink fan
--don’t worry if you got your fan broken…surely we shall guide you the ways to solve it….
Bagaimana mengubah heatsink fan untuk prosesor atau kipas heatsink perbaikan
- jangan khawatir jika Anda punya kipas Anda rusak ... pasti kita akan memandu Anda cara untuk mengatasinya ....
1.plug off your fan ,,
1.Lepaskan kipas dari tempatnya
2.and we must change the fan,maybe better to buy a new one…
.kamu harus menggantinya, atau lebuh baik membeli yang baru..
3.you can use the new one,immediately or you can buy a cheaper one,so you just take the fan..
3.kamu dapat membeli perangkat yang baru sekaligus, atau memberikan sedikit modifikasi
Here the ways…..
Ini dia caranya.. -take off the old fan,but you can still use the old heatsink
-lepaskan kipas yang lama,dan kamu masih mempunyai heatsink yang lama
-so you take the fan from the fan hanger
-kemudian kamu ambil kipasnya dari penompangya
You must to use these equipments or other equipments to take it off,
gunakanlah peralatan untuk melepasnya...
- aand plug on for second time..Kemudian pasang untuk yang kedua kalinya
------enjoy your neew silient Pc..._Dan nikmatilah pc hening mu yang baru....
8:22 AM
obyte inc.
cara meng-upgrade power supply atau cara mengganti power supply Anda
Now We Shall you explain how to upgrade your power supply or how to change your power supply:
We shall explain you the ways to do it ..:
Sekarang Kami Akan Anda menjelaskan cara meng-upgrade power supply atau bagaimana mengubah catu daya Anda:
Kami akan menjelaskan kepada Anda cara untuk melakukannya ..
1. remove your old power supply, from the pc.
1. mengambil power supply lama Anda, dari pc.
2. change with a new power supply .. (before the purchase you must be observant and careful in selecting the goods, you must master the difference OUTPUT those are generated by each power supply)
2. berubah dengan power supply baru .. (sebelum pembelian Anda harus jeli dan cermat dalam memilih barang, Anda harus menguasai OUTPUT perbedaan yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing catu daya)
3. Here I am using the output of 500 watts of a new power supply, whereas my old power supply 450 watt. the differences those are contained in our survey: heatsink size , fan, cable and other small component, also be careful in choosing the brand of a product, try to choose the famous brand and registered in its field.
3. Di sini saya menggunakan output dari 500 watt power supply baru, sedangkan daya watt lama saya pasokan 450. perbedaan yang terkandung dalam survei kami: ukuran heatsink, kipas, kabel dan komponen kecil lainnya, juga berhati-hati dalam memilih merek suatu produk, mencoba untuk memilih merek terkenal dan terdaftar di bidangnya.
4.dont forget to clean the nest inside your Pc that interfere with the performance of your PC
4.jangan lupa untuk membersihkan sarang di dalam PC Anda yang mengganggu kinerja PC Anda
5.after cleanup debug and dirt, put on your New power supply..
5.Setelah pembersihan debug dan kotoran, Pasanglah power supply Baru Anda ..
6.then, trim-cable connectors to the respective slices.
6.Kemidian ,sambunglah masing-masing kabel ke sambungannya
7. turn on your beloved PC with new sensation of Boost.
7.Nyalakanlah Pc Baru anda dengan kekuatan baru...
Obyte Inc, staff
12:27 AM
obyte inc.
how to join files by HJ split
Cara menggabungkan File-file dengan HJ split
And now we shall explain you how to join your big files by HJ-split.
And before Joining your files you must to put all your files that you want to join in the same folder or one folder so:
and choose your files 001 type that you want to join
Dan sebelumMenggabung file Anda, Anda harus meletakkan semua file Anda yang Anda ingin gabungkan dalam folder yang sama atau satu folder sehingga:
dan pilihlah type 001 yang anda ingin gabungkan
1.Open your Hj-split software (.exe) because HJ-split doest need installation
1.bukalah sofware HJ spilt (exe.),karena dia tidak perlu di install
2.so the second step is click ‘’JOIN’’
2.kemudian klik "JOIN"
3.and then click ‘’INPUT FILE’’ so choose your 001 file types
3.kemudian kilk input file dan pilih foder 001
4.and click ‘’START’’
so it's will be works automatically
4.kilk "start" maka ia akan memulai sendiri
And joining completed
Dan penyatuan selesai
You can get free download HJ split at links below
kamu dapat mendownload HJ spilt di links berikut:
9:32 PM
obyte inc.
Cyberquatter |
We will always strive for you to have and enjoy internet safety
For that we will explain to you "What is Cyberquatting?"
Is making a purchase, sale or registration or use domain names or trademarks of other companies that have been known to take advantage of it, and most of them wear and save a domain name or trademark well-known companies for their business advantage.
For more information to find out if your site is affected by the action of a Cyberquatter, you can find out by way of:
1.You can Check your website, then if you encounter a website that has a tag or data that is almost the same as what your website
And unloading, it is alleged the strongest case you are under the action Cyberquatting. They do it deliberately to exploit the popularity of your website. Or take advantage by selling advertising Adsense, Adbrite or others for sale to your competitor.
2.so if you didn’t find the domain that you are looking for, but instead you find:
"This domain name for sale"
"Can not locate server"
"This domain name is under construction"
This enables your domain has been in the Cyberquatter they intend to sell the domain to you again,with higher prices.
Note: not all this but it is possible the website owner will Cyberquatting establish the site at a later date, so do not worry too much with the existence of it.
3.but when you find the same domain name with your domain name but the domain has a difference content, it is not the case cyberquatting.
the important action of a Cyberquatting is using domain names of others without permission of the concerned premises that use in crime.
1:13 AM
obyte inc.
-We shall you explain the way how to choose the best Anti-virus and the tips how to choose the Best Antivirus for your computer,
the best antivirus on 2009:
1. Norton Internet Security 2011
2. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 8.Microsoft Security Essentials (Beta)
3.Trend 9.McAfee Micro Internet Security 2011 Internet Security 2011
4.Avast! 4 Home Edition 10.Panda Internet Security 2011
5.AVG Free Antivirus
6.Avira AntiVir Personal
7.BitDefender Internet Security 2011
source: Dennis Technology Labs.
Sept 29.2009
I would invite you to think and ponder, how best to choose an antivirus that is suitable for your needs, and not burden your PC's performance, so that your mind open, to select the antivirus according to your needs;,
-Anti-virus and PC they both like one who is carrying other people, but now that we need, is how to choose a good antivirus performance but does not change the performance of your PC.
-We are described as follows: for the PC as carrier (read: A) and antivirus (Read: B) is that in carrying, then B must to clean “A” and manage his health, so ‘‘A” is not dirty, and always healthy, whereas we want ‘‘A” to be fixed to have high performance and is not burdened by “B”.
-Then since ‘‘A” carrying “B” to clean it every time, we must choose “B” light and fast so that “A” is always healthy, and its performance is disturbed not , and can continue to run fast and healthy even though carrying “B”.
That is a line of figures that will open your mind to choose the Antivirus suit your needs or existing office, colleagues, and family.
11:39 AM
obyte inc.
- Maybe all this, thousand people always asks (Internet Download Manager).
This article will discuss about it,
it is a software that enhances the performance of your computer when the download starts,
You do not like to wait ..? , This is software that can boost the performance of downloading up to 10 times. You can schedule a download and also to resume and pause when the download, then with this software you can download your files faster and easier.
The way to use It:
You should not confuse, as it by itself can be fused to a variety of browsers,
Such as: Mozilla, Internet explorer, MSN Explorer, Opera and other browsers.
When you find a download link then he will perform his own, and you'll find a screen of it, so now you do not have to spend a long time to wait.
you can get it at free download internet download manager : http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html
Great Thanks For Obyte Inc, Supporters Anywhere, all over the world