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Welcome to Obyters. this site is under auspices of Obyte Inc.[Prouding People]

This is the official site of Obyte Inc.

Welcome to Obyters. this site is under auspices of Obyte Inc.[Prouding People].

This is the official site of Obyte Inc.

Welcome to Obyters. this site is under auspices of Obyte Inc.[Prouding People].

This is the official site of Obyte inc.

Welcome to Obyters. this site is under auspices of Obyte Inc.[Prouding People]

Friday, September 2, 2011

Modus modus perampokan,Robbery modes

Obyte Security Center, Presents

we will always explain to you for obtaining your child maintain security while traveling, or anywhere ..

modes will be undertaken by a robber:



1. when in public vehicles pretend to throw up, or attract attention and HOW do they always try to take your attention, when your attention is focused on someone other then the group members will take your wallet,. be careful with the situation ..


2. pretending to hold a public vehicle within the transaction with a person (call: A) ..,

then (A) persuade you to buy goods (B), and (A) stating that the item is good, but it's just trickery anarchist groups.

but it was just a ploy to get you to buy goods with the bid price is more expensive.


3. provide food whether it be from her bag, or she bought, do not accept anything from strangers. because it is not original anymore, or given poison in it.




1. Pretend to call you and ask the way, as if they would find out whether you control the area or not. pretend to know and do not feel nervous, stay relaxed and calm, do not immediately accept invitations to them as if they would ask for directions.
Shopping complex

1. do not let your mind is empty, so they are easy to govern you by hypnosis or something.

2, if someone does not greet you in the know, say hello back so that your mind is not obsessive hypnotic aura.

kami akan selalu maenjaelaskan kepada anda untuk selau menjaga keaman  anak anda ketika dalam perjalana,atau dimanapun..

modus-modus yang di lakukan oleh perampok:


1. ketika di kendaran umum berpura pura muntah,atau menarik perhatian dan  bagaimna caranya mereka selalu berusaha mengambil perhatian anda ,setelah perhatian anda terfokus pada seseorang maka anggota kelompok lain akan mengambil dompet anda,.berhati-hatilah dengan keadaan itu..

2.berpura-pura mengadakan transaksi di dalam kendaraan umum dengan seseorang (panggil:A)..,
kemudian (A) membujuk anda untuk membeli barang (B),dan (A) menyatakan bahwa barang itu bagus,tapi itu hanya tipu daya kelompok anarkis.
tetapi itu hanya sebuah tipuan agar anda membeli barangnya dengan tawaran harga yang lebih mahal.

3.memberikan makana entah itu dari tas dia,ataupun dia membeli,janganlah menerima apapun dari orang tak di kenal.karena dalamnya sudah tidak asli lagi,atau di berikan racun di dalamnya.


1.Berpura-pura memanggil anda dan  menanyakan jalan ,seakan akan mereka mencari tahu apakah anda menguasai daerah tersebut atau tidak.berpura-puralah untuk tahu dan tidak merasa gugup ,tetap santai dan tenang,janganlah langsung menerima ajakan mereka seakan akan mereka minta petunjuk jalan.


1.jangan sampai pikiran anda kosong,sehingga mereka mudah memerintah anda dengan cara hipnotis atau  semacamnya.

2,jika ada orang tidak di kenal menyapa anda ,sapalah kembali agar pikiran anda tidak terasuki aura hipnotis.

How to be expert in your daily bussines:

How to be expert in your daily bussines:

1. how to make someone respect you ..?
- when you first meet with a client or your boss, do not let you shake hands with a bow front, but you have to do is to shake hands with an authoritative voice and make your body upright, so the listener will be enchanted and respect your authority

Obyte Inc. Pictures

Obyte Inc, welcoming voice.

--today we present to you all the new welcoming sounds from Obyte Inc.

you can get free download this sounds at:

Mozilla Browser run fast in slow internet connection

do you want to make your Mozilla Browser run fast in slow internet connection,
it's easy you can do this just for few seconds , mozilla gives you lot of add-ons to works
with the new of mozzila firefox.you can search any add-ons that suit for your life.

to make mozilla faster : you can add the add-ons: MICRO FOX. 
                                        Mozilla berjlan cepat di internet lambat
Anda ingin membuat Browser Mozilla Anda berjalan cepat di koneksi internet lambat,

sangat mudah Anda dapat melakukan ini hanya untuk beberapa detik, mozilla memberi Anda banyak add-ons untuk bekerja

dengan baru mozzila firefox.you dapat mencari add-ons yang cocok untuk hidup Anda.

untuk membuat mozilla lebih cepat: Anda dapat menambahkan add-ons: MICRO FOX.

new corel product COREL VIDEO studio x4

now corel has launch  a new product of video editor ,and you can edit  your videos anytime you want,
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--editing videos,cutting,trim,render and others..
for further information or help you can visit core help.
and you can got the free download corel video studio x4 at :
http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Product/1224171780177# (free trial)

sekarang corel memiliki meluncurkan produk baru dari editor video, dan Anda dapat mengedit video Anda kapan saja Anda inginkan,

-menambahkan suara, suara

- mengedit video, memotong, trim, render dan lain-lain ..

untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau membantu Anda dapat mengunjungi bantuan inti.

dan Anda bisa mendapatkan download gratis corel video studio x4 di:

http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Product/1224171780177 # (coba gratis)

Great Thanks For Obyte Inc, Supporters Anywhere, all over the world


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