we shall show you how to manage your smart modem easily.
1. After the pulse loaded, switch to more efficient packet data by typing
-to request Regular data, type: 333 * 1 * 0 (Regular) RP 3000, 00
-to request Medium data, type: 333 * 1 * 1 (Medium) RP 4000, 00
-to request High data, type: 333 * 1 * 2 (High) RP 5000, 00
click OK, after typing it. Or click Call.
click OK, after typing it. Or click Call.
note: (If you do not register the data packet, your pulse will continue to be reduced but if you have to register the data packet, your credit may be deductible only price you ask for data packets and data packets will be exhausted within 24 hours)
2.wait minute until you get the reply of your Request, if you have already got it.
3.Plug-in (plug) USB cable to your PC, then click the shortcut SMART MODEM DRIVER2.wait minute until you get the reply of your Request, if you have already got it.
3. So the will appear out CDMA USB MODEM DRIVER box, set it by typing:
-Profile Number: # 777
-Username: Smart
-Password: smart
4. Click ‘’save’’ and then ‘’ apply’’, so click CONNECT
5. Wait till you have ‘’connected’’.
Note : but at the present smart may change the ways for requesting the data .you can see below:
-to request Regular data, type: DATA (space) UNL1 (Regular) RP 5.000 per day
-to request Medium data, type: DATA (space)UNL7 (Medium) RP 30.000 per week
-to request Medium data, type: DATA (space)UNL7 (Medium) RP 30.000 per week
-to request High data, type: DATA (space) UNL30 (High) RP 90.000 per month
-send the request below to ‘’123’’
6. Have a nice surfing. Enjoy it.
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